I had THE most amazing weekend. The kind of weekend I might have fantasized about as a pregnant woman. My lovely 4-yr-old son, my adoring & kind husband, and fashionably dressed me, headed up to Severance hall Saturday Morning for "The Chillin Cello" children's concert. Followed that up by a trip to Coventry and lunch at Tommys. Indy was blissed out at Big Fun, of course and also at "Coventry Cats." Then spent some time out on the porch when we got home before taking Indy to Grammy's and heading out to a nice dinner at Downtown 140 in Hudson with some pre-dinner gift card shopping.
Sunday, we set to work on the yard. Sage bought me a new electric mower for Mother's day (yeah!) and I cut the back grass. We got the sandbox freshened up, ate some pizza at Sam's Club, planted petunias, tidied up the garage. Indy and I started having a super spy, water gun fight late afternoon and ran into some neighbor kids on bikes that wanted to know what we were doing. They vanished and came back with their own guns and we had a good water fight for an hour. Then we finished out our day drying off and getting fast food for a picnic dinner at Hardesty Park. Came home, kid took a bath, and went right to sleep.
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